Humility means different things to different people. We each have an opinion of our worth. Having regard for your life, and what you offer the world does not mean you are not humble. However, one must hold themselves to higher standards, based upon their foundation. If we regard God, we will not allow ourselves to be subject to things which go against what we believe. Humility is defined as having a low opinion of oneself, or our capabilities. However, the God within gives us the ability to do great things. All things we have the Power to perform, come from God. Self-preservation gives us the mind to live within this world and walk in the purpose God created us to accomplish. In order to walk in your purpose, there are things God would have you, to create and execute as an individual. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 (NKJV) Knowing the God within has purposed you for great things, you will place faith in God and not that of man.