This book argues that, under certain societal and institutional conditions, party-, interest group- and bureaucracy-based elites can interact positively to extend political timeframes beyond short electoral terms and foster reasoned long-term planning for democratic decision making.
Focusing on Finland within a broader analytic framework and comparative context, it unearths institutions and practices that give the elites capacity to curtail democratic short-sightedness and offer long-term solutions for contemporary threats such as economic globalization, climate change, geopolitical competition. The study also reveals factors that condition the operative capacity of future-regarding institutions.
This book will be of key interest to scholars, students and practitioners of political science, public policy and administration, elites and management, and futures studies.
Vesa Koskimaa is Senior Research Fellow at the Politics Unit of the Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University, Finland.
Lauri Rapeli is Research Director at The Social Science Research Institute, Åbo Akademi University, Finland.