. Hello, my name is Juanita Coles.
All of Me Broken, was written showing my old personality spoken by the main character, Jamie Conaway.
I wrote this book in a way where the characters just talk to each other. Real life like. The narration is only in their mind, dreams, and speaking to themselves aloud. And of course, Christ and satans imps speak as well. This is what I experienced in my life and I am sure others sometimes do also. Satan is real, and so is God. And the victory was already His. But at a young age, I did not know.
Jamie is fabulous, God sent, and she felt as though she did not belong here. She dealt with life which was filled with lies, and the unexpected lies gave her an excuse to mistreat others. God eventually became last on her list and slowly but surely she became more and more like the people she hated. She thought God did not listen to her. Little did she know He was there with her the whole time. Watching, talking, listening and sparing her life continuously. "Choose Life." God tells her in chapter 11 of the book. But she allowed satan and life's issues blur God's way as she takes herself through years of broken changes. But the lies, fornication, drugs, alcohol, and self-hatred did not stop Him from dying for her, then following her with His goodness and His mercies all her days....