Swami Mukundananda is an erudite scholar of the ancient Vedic scriptures, a world-renowned teacher of spirituality and a bestselling author. His purpose is to share the finest gems of realized wisdom accrued from a lifetime of purity, dedication and surrender. In his writings, he quotes liberally from all the major Indian sacred texts and the Eastern and Western systems of philosophy.
Swamiji grew up in India and earned his degrees from the prestigious IIT-Delhi and IIM-Calcutta. Responding to the call of God, he renounced a promising corporate career to accept monkhood. He studied the sacred texts at the feet of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, the fifth original Jagadguru in history.
Swamiji's dissertations are humorous, his arguments are logical and well laid-out, and his advice is practical. He has authored many bestsellers. His lectures on YouTube and other social media platforms are loved and followed by millions. Swamiji divides his time between India and the US.