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Book Cover for: Blood Tells, Cathy Smith

Blood Tells

Cathy Smith

Jormungander, the Midgard Serpent, has gone native on Turtle Island. Yet, he still has much to learn about his new clan.

He is the offspring of the attractive and notorious traitor, Loki the Trickster. This makes it hard to accept his new clan's policy to crush the gold and silver eggs the Pretty White Snake's mates lay.

Onyare, the Pretty White Snake, is the most beautiful but dangerous of serpents.. His gold and silver scales are so dazzling they affect humans. Yet, he always turns on the one who feeds him, and his offspring are said to take after him.

As the new War Chief of the Snakes, it's Jormangander's duty to follow the clanmother's edict to crush the eggs. Will he follow the edict? Or will he find out for himself why the edict is in place in this illustrated short story?

Book Details

  • Publisher: Cathy Smith
  • Publish Date: Jul 21st, 2024
  • Pages: 68
  • Language: English
  • Edition: undefined - undefined
  • Dimensions: 8.00in - 5.00in - 0.16in - 0.18lb
  • EAN: 9798230017592
  • Categories: Fantasy - Dragons & Mythical CreaturesAnimalsCultural Heritage

About the Author

Smith, Cathy: -

Cathy Smith is a Mohawk writer who lives on a Status Reservation on the Canadian Side of the Border on Turtle Island (North America).

She is proud of her people's heritage and also has an interest in the myths and legends of other peoples and cultures, and modern fantasy and science fiction, which is often derived from past myths and often acts as myths for modern times.