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Book Cover for: Caro Giovanni (Dear John), Madelaine Brauner Landry

Caro Giovanni (Dear John)

Madelaine Brauner Landry

John Brauner, my father, was a radioman in the Infantry during World War II. He arrived in Italy in early 1945, as part of General Mark Clark's 5th Army. By early spring, he was stationed in Northern Italy, where he met Mafalda Riccadonna, who became his friend and correspondent until 1950. After his death in 1980, my siblings and I began searching through the contents of his US Army trunk, which was filled with souvenirs, memorabilia, and personal letters. We came across return letters to my father from Mafalda. My father returned home to the United States in August 1945, but continued to receive letters from Mafalda until 1950.

My research gave me insight into how the two decades under the thumb of Mussolini gave the Italian people the courage necessary to fight for their country and its soldiers. It is from this exploration that my novel, "Caro Giovanni" was conceived. It is a blend of truth and fiction, based on historical events from 1942-1945, when the war ended in Europe. It struck me so often that our own nation is now faced with the possibility of having our democracy altered in ways that we cannot begin to imagine. The Italian people must've felt the same when Mussolini first arrived on the scene.

Eventually Giovanni must leave Trento, but Mafalda continues to write letters to him about her family in the aftermath of the bloody destruction that devastated much of western Europe. Unlike the United States, European countries like Italy experienced long-standing devastation and deprivation that went on well into the 1950s.

Book Details

  • Publisher: Listen Hear, LLC
  • Publish Date: Dec 23rd, 2024
  • Pages: 262
  • Language: English
  • Edition: undefined - undefined
  • Dimensions: 9.00in - 6.00in - 0.59in - 0.86lb
  • EAN: 9798330445080
  • Categories: GeneralGeneral

About the Author

Landry, Madelaine Brauner: - Madelaine Brauner Landry received her BA in Political Science from ULL in 2004 and her MS in Communication Studies from ULL in 2006. She served as the Executive Director for the LSUE Foundation until 2016, as well as an adjunct instructor for LSUE, ULL, SOWELA and McNeese State University. She continues to teach Interpersonal Communication courses online, and is a freelance writer for local media. Her articles appear every three weeks in Lagniappe Magazine (Lake Charles, LA), as well as several other publications. "64 Parishes," the LEH publication, recently accepted an article that will appear in its Summer 2024 issue. She has two publications, "Every Living Thing," a novel which was published through Kindle Direct Publishing, and "I Have the Right to Remain Silent, But Lack the Ability," published by Ally-Gator Books in Lake Charles, LA. The latter details her experiences running for a local public office. Although she lost the election, she gained friends and material for a memoir. Mother to three, stepmother to two, and grandmother to seven, she and her husband, Tom Landry, live on the Atchafalaya River in Butte La Rose, Louisiana. Here, from her balcony, she can soak up the art, culture, and history of the region, which inspires her work. She is often joined on her balcony by two reformed feral cats for her coffee in the morning and wine in the evening overlooking the river.