In the quiet, unassuming town of Willowridge, the quaint old candy shop on the corner of Main Street has always been a favorite for children. Its owner, Mr. Grayson, is known for his friendly smile and the peculiar, handcrafted treat he calls "Chubbies." But when a string of children begin to vanish without a trace, whispers of dark rumors start to swirl around the shop and its enigmatic proprietor.
After her younger brother disappears, teenager Lily Carter becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth. Armed with a sharp mind and relentless determination, Lily starts to investigate the candy shop, only to uncover a chilling secret: Chubbies aren't just sweet treats-they're the bait for something far more sinister.
As Lily delves deeper into the mystery, she finds herself pulled into a nightmare that defies logic. The shop holds an ancient, unspeakable horror that hungers for more than just sweets. Now, Lily must confront her fears and uncover the horrifying origins of Chubby before it's too late-for her brother, and for herself.
Chubby is a spine-chilling horror tale that will leave you questioning the innocence of your favorite childhood treats.