Miami is heir to the 21st Century in the same way Manhattan was heir to the 20th. In this unauthorized sequel, the seemingly unconnected attributes of Miami are exposed and tied together using Dali and Koolhaas' Paranoid Critical Method of analysis. From its birth, Miami combined technology, the non-native, and a fabricated nature in a way that predicts the trends of the 21st century. Delirious Miami untangles the history of the city to find that one thing in Architecture remains Form Follows Finance. Miami, in creating extreme value out of a city with no substantial natural resources, now finds itself at odds with the Nature it conquered. At the forefront of climate change, the world will be watching as Miami takes one of two crushing defeat at the hands of the Atlantic Ocean, or heroic victory as the next great city of western civilization. Miami is non-native. Miami is youthful. Miami is delirious.