"As a psychiatrist and ordinary reader, my feelings after reading Dreaming Awake were of profound satisfaction. Author Gail Patrick's telling of the story was more than interesting, it was also informative. The ability to feel what someone else is feeling is the very essence of empathy; and if that was the purpose, she was successful. For highly intelligent beings, such as dogs, cats, primates, and especially humans, it is normal to dream. The mechanism by which we dream, however, is not always normal. I enjoyed reading this book and I trust you will too." Darrell R. Troupe, Sr. MD, Psychiatrist, Agor Behavioral, Plainfield, IL, USA"I believe that anyone who has encountered traumatic occurrences during their sleeping hours will benefit greatly from the research that unfolds throughout these pages. Furthermore, those who may be dealing with anxiety, trauma, depression, or abusive relationships will find hope and, in many ways, help to break free as they follow and learn from the lessons detailed in the storyline. I highly recommend Dreaming Awake as a staple within your literature arsenal and as a resource to refer to others who could benefit from it." Dr. Kisia L. Coleman, KishKnows, Inc., President/Publishing Coach, Author of "The Do It Mandate - Defeating the Delays to Destiny," Richton Park, IL