As stated in the book, history has lied to us. But these little pictorial truth bombs expose nearly every lie you can think of. Why is this important? Because 99.5% of the world today has been brainwashed by corporate media, governments, the medical industry, science, religion, history and even those you have trusted the most, to believe "THEY WOULD NEVER LIE TO US!" Who are they? those that believe they are gods and have immortality and with their billions and trillions of dollars are even able to buy the Pope!
I am a retired salesman, now living on a mountain top in Colorado. I am an artist, paintings oil on canvas. I am an actor with Big Fish Talent Agency, CO. doing movies, television, commercials and print. My biggest achievement in life was becoming a Christian as a young adult. I and my twin brother hosted a TV program for two years in San Jose California. I was also a Associate Pastor at Calvary Chapel, also in San Jose. I seek the truth no matter how hard it has been covered up! The days we are now living in, truth is like finding a needle in a hay stack and if needs be I will acquire a pitchfork to locate it! Hopefully many will uncover information in this autobiography that will help them and give them a better understanding of the times we live in..