Are cats secretly unraveling the fabric of reality while we're busy scooping litter?
In Feline Physics: How Cats Master Quantum Mechanics, Dr. Clawdine Schrödinpurr (PhD, Hon.) reveals the whiskered wonders behind your cat's uncanny ability to defy gravity, appear in locked rooms, and time their meows to coincide with your most vulnerable moments.
Using laugh-out-loud "paws-on" experiments and theories so wild they might just be true, this book suggests that your aloof furball is more than a lazy couch ornament-it's a quantum pioneer, wrapping itself around cosmic mysteries and napping on the laws of physics. Ready to believe your cat is part Einstein, part Houdini? Turn the page and find out how deep the litter box of cosmic truth really goes.
Warning: Side effects may include late-night epiphanies, attempts to measure your cat's meow-wavelength, and the unsettling realization that your cat might be smarter than you.