Freedom: The Authorized Universal Capitalist ltd Economic Structure
Ruby Tai
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The nature of money as gates and letters revealed gives light to the nations of humankind to find in troubled times a historic luxury and modern necessity in the FML FIREs: these are the first constitutional centers and the prize of digital revolution. Through the architectures in the top layer of the double blue ON/E Divide, Intel-Modernized Governance from each city center in vertical international parallel selects for the lettered gates of economic FREEDOM and systemically discriminates against and shuts down the old capitalist unlimited extremist forms lettered as DEATH. Free artists, the Rolling service, Experts, Élites, Developers, Officers and Managers are the chosen occupational categories in the foundation money law range. Each HOME Medallion bank card that is encoded to FREEDOM is recognized by our constitutional conscience in the FML FIREs as constitutionally fit to transact. Each nation is redeemed with a capitalist ltd olympic spirit infused economy. As we no longer merely pay taxes to the discretion of full grey governments, the contingent capitalist excesses fall away and the suite of necessarily capitalist ltd institutions and businesses is emergent. Prior to the digital revolution, the foundation money law was ungovernable and thus irrelevant: though now from each city central FML FIRE, Intel-Modernized Governance center-checks every Medallion Bank Card in transaction. The eyes behind the FML FIRE, in three charismatic forms, see through the top layer of the double blue ON/E Divide, travelling the speed of light to protect both the three and national class ruling structure from trespass and the first freedom of every man to earn and build HOME Wealth from trespass. It is finally with our HOME Patriot Medallions' support that the ON/E Divide vertical boundary is built between the capitalist ltd economy that lives above and the five occupational evils that die below. As we piece together the digital plateau, only absolute economic privacy is the enemy. Everyone cashes out to receive a 3G HEAD and/or HOME Medallion bank card and we are relieved of the old competitive international military madness, the destructive energies, the Martian heights priced housing and the extreme free money and debt creator banking. Withdrawing significant zones of politics from the previously fully grey one-hundred percent manmade law presiding and decreeing governments, our intelligence extension in each city central FML FIRE keeps the capitalist ltd economy open to the gates of economic FREEDOM and erects a column of constitutional strength, in vertical international parallel, that, with the Olympics and sporting events, there is competition on the fields and cooperation in security. Of the suite of necessarily capitalist ltd institutions and businesses given life, the most significant is the Military Phoenix that rises from the sum of the FML FIREs as national security forces cross the bridges of medallions from all directions to cooperative security heights. As the capitalist ltd economy is extended and protected in all COC National directions, all generations hence are relieved of the old competitive international military madness. This constitution enables us, city by city the world round, to cash out and seize the prize of the digital revolution in a peaceful and democratically lead manner. HOME Medallion Bank Cards are availed to the mainstream to leap individually to build the prospect of the ON/E and to create real momentum to change the paradigm. Three Generation's HEAD Medallions are available and have to finally be given to those who must let go of the full grey government contingent occupational evils. The way of the money upgrade is intricate, reasonable and just and this enables a peaceful transformation from the capitalist unlimited economy to a capitalist ltd economy. A lesser revolution, without a clear designation or any negotiation of compensation, would inevitably foment violence.