Effective and practical solutions, for the repeated nuclear accidents and for the existing and expected inventories of highly active long-lived radioactive waste, are urgently needed to have a reliable, sustainable and safe nuclear source of energy. Generation IV International Forum (GIF) was established in 2001 to find promising solution for the problems encountered in nuclear power industry. Eight goals have been defined for Generation IV systems in four broad areas: sustainability, economics, safety and reliability, and proliferation resistance and physical protection. The GIF has selected six reactor technologies that are supposed to fulfil the requirement of the GIF goals for further research and development. Unfortunately, the choice of the six nuclear power technologies by Generation IV International Forum (GIF) took in consideration the benefits, experiences and interest of each country and the difficulties encountered in moving the developing applications technology outside of current Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) more than considering the importance of meetings the requirements of the essential goals proposed by the GIF countries them self.