In 2051, a seven-month-old Corgi named Bali, full of liveliness, ran away from his residence in Toronto, Canada, in a quest for freedom and ventures. He fell into the hands of two young pickpockets who planned to steal small valuables in Toronto and resell them in New York City. In his run-off, Bali constantly faces adversities created by inconsequential human activities, the so-called progress. He clashed with Climate change and the uncoordinated advances in new modes of flying transportation. During his journey, he stumbled into the house of genius scientists. Unbeknownst to him, their experimental capsule teleported him to the closest parallel dimension. During teleportation, an artificial intelligence microchip unintentionally left inside the device merged animal and machine intelligence into one living being. This helped manage his landing in the soap opera the scientist's son's girlfriend was watching on television. The episode was a rerun of the award-winning South Korean melodrama "Kisses and Tears" from 2042.