The sky, infinite and vast, has always been a mirror of our deepest questions. What lies beyond? Who is watching us from the darkness? Throughout the centuries, men have looked up, seeking answers that transcend the physical, the tangible. In that abyss of stars, ancient scriptures and modern myths converge in a tale that seems eternal: the connection between the heavens and the earth.
From the mysterious lines of apocryphal texts to the records of celestial visitors in contemporary times, an idea begins to emerge like a subway river linking civilizations. Is it possible that Jesus of Nazareth, the man who divided history into a "before" and an "after," not only brought a spiritual message, but was the bridge between two worlds? What if his kingdom is not only spiritual, but literally does not belong to this world?
In this book, I propose to explore that possibility from a different perspective, integrating sources that have long been considered heretical or speculative, but which have something powerful to say. Apocryphal texts, such as the Gospel of Thomas or the Gospel of Jude, offer a portrait of Jesus that differs from the one we have inherited. They show us a teacher who speaks of secret knowledge and realities beyond our comprehension.
On the other hand, the work of J.J. Benítez, especially in Los Caballos de Troya and Los astronautas de Yavé, poses a fascinating narrative in which the divine intertwines with the extraterrestrial. Could the events described in the Bible be interpreted from a technological perspective? Is it possible that the angels, miracles and visions were manifestations of an advanced cosmic civilization?
This book does not seek to impose truths, but to raise questions. From the central phrase of the title, pronounced by Jesus before Pilate- "My kingdom is not of this world"-, we will explore the possibility that this message was much more literal than we commonly think. Let us imagine, for a moment, that Jesus was speaking not only of a spiritual kingdom, but of a tangible reality, a higher civilization that quietly guides the evolution of our world.
Furthermore, we will consider Jesus' teachings as a universal message that transcends religions, times and geographic boundaries. Could his call to love one's neighbor, to seek truth and to live in peace be the key to humanity reaching a higher state of consciousness? What if these teachings are a reflection of a cosmic code, an invitation to participate in a higher order?
In these pages, we will travel a path that mixes history, spirituality, science fiction and philosophy. From the interpretation of apocryphal texts and analysis of miracles to hypothetical encounters with advanced civilizations, this journey will lead us to reimagine not only Jesus, but our place in the universe.
I do not expect you to agree with everything you read here. My intention is to invite you to question, to open your mind and, above all, your heart. For if we have learned anything from the words of Jesus and the stories of the unknown, it is that mystery has always been the engine of faith, science and the search for meaning.