You'd be surprised at how successful people are at building their own hells. Their own personal hell. How people can skillfully etch their souls out of themselves, and more powerfully.
Satan made man, or rather his body, back when he and his brothers thought that they were the heirs of the Father and would receive the Book of Knowledge. And in this body the Father breathed the soul, poured that which distinguishes man from clay. But it turned out to be difficult for people to live with the soul. It is necessary to protect the soul from dirt, to try not to stain it with bad deeds, bad emotions. And how easy it is to live if you do not think about your soul!
Girls chase after you, you live in prosperity, and if you don't have anything, you go and take it from the weak. And the Fallen Angels help you normally, you live and rejoice. And the price for this is a soul, which many people doubt the existence of. Of course, if you say to a person: "Give up your soul!" - everyone feels sorry for it, but also afraid, as without it. But if it, the soul, is thinning, fading, disappearing from sight - nothing. It was invisible as it was.
But it turned out that there is a quicker way to rid a person of his soul. God is what it is, Love! And what is love in reverse? It's hate! Once it became known that if you make a person to hate, he will squeeze out his soul by his own emotion. And will go to his personal, to his individual hell.
Those who are against humanity as such have waged an all-out war. They plant hatred for foreigners, for other races, for other bed habits, for fans of other teams, for the Pindos, for the inhabitants of the neighboring town, for the neighboring country. Just yesterday it was impossible to believe that Ukrainians would hate Russians, and today it is a fact. Or hatred of Jews. Or the rich. Or, or, or, or.
A small group of people have stepped up to fight it. How will they succeed? What happens if Death itself has entered into this confrontation? And what does the death of Christ have to do with it?
Read the answers in this book.