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Book Cover for: Preserving the Person: A Look at the Human Sciences, C. Stephen Evans

Preserving the Person: A Look at the Human Sciences

C. Stephen Evans

The human quest for self-understanding is ancient. It transcends the boundaries between ordinary folk and philosophers and it over- laps with many academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, philosophy and theology. Actually, the quest is not essentially academic; it is a human quest, pursued by persons in every age. With this in mind, philosopher C. Stephen Evans takes a look at the human sciences and their contribution to this self-understanding. Evans first presents a basic problem in these sciences today: the attack on the concept of personhood. He reviews the contemporary understanding of mind and brain: Is a person only a thinking machine or a programmed organism? Then he evaluates the impact of Auguste Comte, Sigmund Freud, J.B. Watson, B.F. Skinner and Emile Durkheim on what Evans terms ?

Book Details

  • Publisher: Regent College Publishing
  • Publish Date: Jan 1st, 1985
  • Pages: 180
  • Language: English
  • Edition: undefined - undefined
  • Dimensions: 8.60in - 5.50in - 0.47in - 0.55lb
  • EAN: 9781573830263
  • Categories: Movements - Humanism