The Crossing by Winston Churchill is a historical novel set amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the American frontier in the late 18th century. The narrative follows the young and adventurous David Ritchie as he embarks on a perilous journey through the wilderness, encountering Native American tribes, treacherous landscapes, and the harsh realities of frontier life. Churchill's vivid prose and meticulous historical detail transport readers to a bygone era, where the clash of cultures and the struggle for survival shape the destiny of a young nation.
Winston Churchill (1871-1947) was an American novelist, often confused with the British Prime Minister during WWI. Famous long before the British Churchill, his second novel, Richard Carvel, sold as many as two million copies in a nation of only 76 million. The Crossing, his fifth novel, was set in the America of Lewis and Clark, Daniel Boone, and General Andrew Jackson