Chapter 1 discusses the evolution of modern man and thence consumer zombies. The next 3 chapters discuss language and learning, conditioning, memory, attitude formation & measurement, and the 'contact hypothesis' of ethnic conflict.
Following chapters discuss religion, war, art, science, industry, education, politics, business, the media, advertising, and economics, showing that in each of these areas we are persuaded or 'brainwashed' into 'buying' some message or product.
The final chapters discuss:
(1) Global problems: overpopulation, pollution, resource depletion etc.
(2) The reverse evolution decreasing us both physically and mentally.
(3) Solutions to these growing problems that threaten our very existence.
The book concludes with appendices on Psychology & Psychiatry, Real IQ, and a Poker Machine Program, the latter providing a good example of the computer programming behind highly addictive 'pokies'.