In a world where humanity is no longer at the top of the food chain, survival is the only law. The remnants of civilization cling to life in the shadow of bloodthirsty predators-devil dogs that rule the night and intelligent, red-eyed monkey beasts that hunt in packs. For Tom, Freddy, and young Zeb, the dome was their last refuge-a crumbling sanctuary against the chaos outside.
But when their fragile shelter is breached, the survivors face an even greater nightmare: a monstrous, otherworldly leader commanding the beasts with terrifying precision. Driven to the brink, they must make an impossible choice-stand and fight or flee into the unknown ruins of a dead city.
As their world collapses, secrets hidden in the shadows begin to surface-cryptic markings, haunting symbols, and a chilling revelation that their enemy is only part of something far larger. With courage and sacrifice, the survivors must uncover the truth behind the predators and the sinister force that drives them, even as the odds grow darker with every passing moment.
The first battle is over, but the war for humanity's future has just begun.