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Book Cover for: The Treachery of Sisters, Gail Combs Oglesby

The Treachery of Sisters

Gail Combs Oglesby

48 BC-the Ptolemy empire is in turmoil as Cleopatra has taken up with Julius Caesar and welcomed the Roman interlopers into Egypt to ensure her place as Pharaoh. Arsinoe, her 14-year-old younger half-sister is determined to take the throne from her, and to chase the Romans...back to Rome. Can this mere girl take on the powerful Caesar and unseat Cleopatra? Or is her effort doomed from the start serving only to hasten her journey to the River Styx and through the underworld that lies beyond.

Book Details

  • Publisher: Motowngirl Publishing
  • Publish Date: Dec 16th, 2024
  • Pages: 308
  • Language: English
  • Edition: undefined - undefined
  • Dimensions: 8.50in - 5.50in - 0.77in - 0.71lb
  • EAN: 9798988524267
  • Categories: Historical - Ancient

About the Author

Oglesby, Gail Combs: - Gail Combs Oglesby is the author of the highly acclaimed series The Centenary Chronicles-Tales of American Women. She was born and raised in the western Detroit suburbs and lived for many years in California and Texas. She now calls suburban Nashville, Tennessee her retirement home which she shares with her husband and fur kids. She earned her bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of San Francisco in Human Resources, as well as a Doctorate in Business Administration from California Coast University. For over thirty-five years, she worked in leadership roles in the Human Resources function in a variety of industries and from that experience published, HR Confidential: An Insider's Guide to Finding and Getting a Great Job which can be found on Amazon. Always fascinated by history, particular the stories of women, she focuses on telling the stories or ordinary women whose accomplishments are anything but ordinary. From ancient Egypt to medieval England, and to the American Colonies, her books amplify the women's voices that would otherwise be lost to time. Her award-winning style has earned her accolades for creating compelling stories and characters that stay with you long after the book is closed. She can be reached at https: //

Praise for this book

"Such a masterpiece, I've read all her books, and this one is a compelling and heart-pounding triumph." Myra G.

"Another fascinating and gripping historically based story with twists and turns! Who knew that Cleopatra had a younger sister who sought to dethrone her to become Queen of Egypt!" Kathleen S.