Tommy is a rambunctious young pirate with an aspiring career on the high seas. With his first mate, Stella, he leads a mutiny against Captain Ted E. Bear. That is, until his father reminds him that he is actually a boy with a very messy room that was supposed to be cleaned. Tommy is sent to bed early for not cleaning his room.
Mutineers do not clean rooms, and they certainly don't go to bed early because their parents said they should. It is in that room where Tommy's mattress gets involved and takes Tommy and Stella on a wild ride. After a fright-filled flight, the mattress splashes down, of all places, next to a real-life pirate ship. Here, Tommy and Stella are pressed into service and find out what a pirate's life is really about.
Thomas Walker was born and raised in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. When he isn't working, Thomas is an avid reader and likes to spend time with his family and little pup, Stella. Tommy and the Flying Mattress is his first book.