"Wanda Weird, Wanda Weird, it'd be nice if you disappeared!" It is a chant that nine-year-old Wanda Weir hears often from some mean girls in her class. Sometimes, she wonders if they're right. Maybe she is a little weird. After all, she does spend a lot of time daydreaming in class. But is it really so weird to daydream about building a sandcastle on a beach in Florida or taking hula lessons in Hawaii or marrying a boy in her class she has a secret crush on? Is she really any different than the other girls her age?
Wanda Lives with her parents and her pesky younger brother, Kevin, who is always asking riddles. She loves her family and their dog, Brownie, and two kittens, Oreo and Cookie. And she would never say or do anything to hurt anyone else. So why do some of the girls bully her so much and call her names? And how do you deal with a bully?
With a little help from her best friend, Misty Baker, Wanda learns to understand why some girls are so mean. But can she find a way to deal with them?