Julie asked her brother Louis, "Who is the Holy Spirit? Is the Holy Spirit a Person?" Louis explains to her that although he is a real Person and is God himself, yet he remains invisible, and has not even told us his name; he only speaks of Jesus and his tremendous sacrifice to save us. It is only because the Holy Spirit talks to us every minute that we change our mind, to be like Him! He is the best friend we will ever have on earth!
This is basic information about God that your child needs to know; but in reading this book, he will have have basic information that any adult reader will learn! God on, and learn together about God! o Part one: God is... The Three Persons of the Godhead.
It will take these things about God that we will never fully understand, but we will have learned that the members of the Godhead are three persons, they are almighty, they love us and died for our sins to save us. This is just a tiny bit of the many ways that they are always thinking of us and give us life each day! You will also learn how the one we call "our Father" especially does the important things that we learn about God. Part two: God is... Your Brother, Jesus
How does Jesus differ in our relation with the Father? Although he is equal with the Father, he basically became God's Son and our brother, by being born as a human being! Part three: God is... Your Friend the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit performs the work of God by being with us and in us; but he doesn't even tells us his name, because he is that humble! You will learn how he is so real, but you feel him in your heart. Teenagers and adults can then read a copy of The LORD God, our over 300 pages which had all this language, directly from the scriptures.