In this 2023 Silver Nautilus Book Award Winner Discover an Inner Pattern for Living in to Wholeness
Synthesizing his work in personal mythmaking, soul-making, and storytelling, award-winning author Robert Atkinson draws from mythology, mysticism, rites of passage, and psychology to identify a pattern within our unconscious that guides our evolving consciousness, transforms our lives, keeps our focus on the wholeness of all things, and keeps humanity on its evolutionary trajectory.
In bringing all the paths to wholeness back together as one, this pioneering, practical, and easy to use experiential guide provides the context, framework, and the reflective writing exercises needed for telling our stories of wholeness. In doing so, we connect the human family, one story at a time.
The purpose of Evolutionary Leaders is to serve conscious evolution.
#RT @DeepakChopra: A New Story of Wholeness: An Experiential Guide for Connecting the Human Family - A Conversation with Robert Atkinson and Deepak Chopra #awakening #bhagavadgita #love #truelove #Metaverse #MetaReality #Science #Spirituality #Religion …
Iranian-American Baha'i. Equal rights for all. Education is the key. Views expressed are personal. Exec Director @ZinatGroup Publishing
Robert Atkinson has just published A New Story of Wholeness: An Experiential Guide for Connecting the #HUMAN Family. The pattern guides our evolving #consciousness , transforms our lives, and keeps humanity on its evolutionary path. #Bahai
Founder & CEO of From My Mama's Kitchen® Experiential Keynote Speaker, Life Coach, Multi-Award Winning & Bestselling Author, Talk Show Host #FromMyMamasKitchen
@BobAtkinson9 shares reflective writing exercises connect the human family from his book, A New Story of Wholeness - An Experiential Guide for Connecting the Human Family on From My Mama’s Kitchen® Talk Radio/Johnny Tan #StoryOfWholeness #TheHumanFamily
In A New Story of Wholeness Dr. Robert Atkinson invites us to remember the fundamental unity of which we are all-ways part and at the deepest levels of our awareness, already know. Inspirationally and compassionately he masterfully co-weaves unitive narratives from mythology, mysticism, ritual, and psychology to reveal the same universal patterns of evolutionary consciousness. - Jude Currivan PhD, cosmologist, co-founder WholeWorld-View
A New Story of Wholeness asserts itself among the great texts on spiritual evolution and Unity consciousness. Filled with mystical yet practical wisdom, it offers guidance and tools for our transformational journey back to our awareness of our innate divinity and Oneness, allowing us to create and share a new narrative for ourselves, as well as humanity, grounded in love, harmony, and interconnection. Study this guide. Your new life awaits you. - Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder & CEO, Agape International Spiritual Center
A New Story of Wholeness is a gem offering superbly lucid and wise guidance for the journey from fragmentation to optimal coherence and richly fulfilling wholeness. It is a journey that we all must take if we are to thrive in dangerous times. - James O'Dea, author of Cultivating Peace, The Conscious Activist
Through sharing the wisdom of indigenous and modern scientific perspectives on human evolution and interconnection, Atkinson's writings will delight and inspire you to co-create the world we know is possible. - Shamini Jain, PhD, founder & CEO, Consciousness and Healing Initiative
What a gift! A New Story of Wholeness is a brilliant synthesis of the psycho-spiritual pilgrimage, developmental process, and evolutionary trajectory of wholeness. Each page is sprinkled with wisdom and inspiration that supports the expansion of consciousness. - Julie Krull, award winning author of Fractured Grace
In this concise, eloquent book, Robert Atkinson points the way to a desperately needed upgrade: to wholeness, fullness, and connection. This is a journey, but the path is well-trod, the guideposts are in place, and the way forward could not be more fulfilling-or more urgent. - Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda