A Sleepwalk on the Severn is a reflective, book-length poem in several registers, using dramatic dialogue. Ghostly, meditative, and characterized by Alice Oswald's signature sensitivity to nature, the poem chronicles a night on the Severn Estuary as the moonrise travels through its five stages: new moon, half moon, full moon, no moon, and moon reborn.
quote Alice Oswald—poems @SugarHouseRev @interimpoetics @ParenthesesArt @GreenMtnsReview @radarpoetry “Sylvia” from @bccpress
@CowlesKathryn A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure, Hoa Nguyen Greensward, Cole Swensen Dunce, Ruefle (rereading) A Sleepwalk on the Severn, Alice Oswald I second The Blue Clerk, Dionne Brand and The Thicket, Kasey Jueds