Praise for A Tangle of Gold: * "A grand finale to a grand adventure, complete with truly startling revelations... Deeply satisfying, perfectly ended." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review* "A breathless and exhilarating race to the finish... with a variety of unexpected revelations and marvelous surprises, and with [Moriarty's] usual perfect timing." -- Horn Book, starred review* "The magic continues to be refreshingly inventive, and the world-building is so precise... This final installment will garner even more followers." -- School Library Journal, starred review* "Startling and clever... A breathtaking climax... An eminently satisfying conclusion." -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, starred reviewPraise for The Cracks in the Kingdom: * "Madcap, whimsical, smart and even heartbreaking... Even better than the first." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review* "Full of clever invention and intrigue, excellent surprises... and all the sophisticated wit Moriarty's fans expect." -- Horn Book, starred review* "Readers will be clamoring for the next title after the thrilling yet satisfying conclusion." -- School Library Journal, starred reviewPraise for A Corner of White: A Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor BookA Kirkus Best Book of the YearA School Library Journal Best Book of the YearA Horn Book Fanfare Book"Jaclyn Moriarty makes me laugh, hysterically -- and cry, unexpectedly... Startlingly original fantasy." -- E. Lockhart, New York Times bestselling author of We Were Liars"A marvelous novel -- in every sense of the word... A Corner of White slips through a previously unnoticed crack in the reader's heart and changes everything." -- Deborah Harkness, New York Times bestselling author of A Discovery of Witches* "Quirky, charming, funny, sad: another winner from this always-surprising author." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review* "Irresistible characters help readers navigate a tantalizingly complex plot that will leave them eagerly awaiting the next book." -- Horn Book, starred review* "In this lovely fantasy... mysteries abound." -- School Library Journal, starred review* "[A] genre-blending feat of stylistic energy... The plotting is as innovative and riveting as the world-making." -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, starred review