For the past ten years, Marianne Williamson has lectured and led discussion groups across the United States and Europe. Her inspirational words have provided encouragement to thousands and brought solace to people with life-threatening illnesses. Frequently drawing on incidents from her own life, she has the extraordinary ability to reach women and men of all types. Young and old, rich and poor, healthy and infirm, housewives and career women, their husbands and lovers and children and parent - all have come to her with their frustrations and joys, for insights on spiritual wisdom and to share their experiences. At forty, Williamson is one of a generation of women who have been part of tremendous social upheavals and are now just beginning to fit the pieces together. Today women are confused. Some would like to have it all but are held back by their lack of either self-worth or a support system, as well as by historical prejudice. Others are afraid of asking for too much, afraid of losing love and respect if they appear too greedy. Williamson persuasively proposes that women must first examine their inner lives before going out to conquer the outer world. The first step is for women to find their spiritual home, religious or otherwise, the place where they know they are respected and admired. Throughout history, women have sublimated their own talents and needs to please a patriarchal society. Now it is time to value feminine qualities, to be proud of being a woman. In chapters devoted to beauty, age, relationships, sex, children, and careers, Williamson sends a strong message of empowerment to women of all ages. This is a comforting message for men as well. The reemergence of womenwill bring about the healing of the world.