N. T. Wright is Research Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrews and Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He is the author of numerous books, including Paul: A Biography, On Earth as in Heaven: Daily Wisdom for Twenty-First Century Christians and What Did the Cross Accomplish? A Conversation about the Atonement (with Simon Gathercole and Robert B. Stewart).
"Wright's For Everyone series is a gift that feels like lucking into some time on your front porch, sitting at a bar or walking in the park with an old friend who happens to know all there is to know about the Bible, and who understands plain folks who are curious, and eager for anecdotes, observations, stories and fresh insights - and how complex scholarship matters in real life" - James Howell, Senior Pastor, Myers Park United Methodist Church
"For two decades, N. T. Wright's New Testament for Everyone commentary series has made accessible and spiritually insightful biblical scholarship available to a broad Christian audience and has taken the reader deep into the books of the New Testament. This anniversary edition serves to acknowledge that these commentaries, much like William Barclay's Daily Study Bible, have stood the test of time. While preachers will have riches to mine, more importantly, so will everyone who seeks a better understanding of the New Testament. The study guide included with these commentaries makes them even more usable for congregational Bible study groups." - Robert D. Cornwall, Minister-at-Large, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)