Ignatavicius, Donna D.: - Donna Ignatavicius is nationally recognized as an expert in nursing education and medical-surgical/gerontological nursing and has a wealth of experiences as a nurse educator, clinical nurse specialist, and administrator for over 40 years. Currently, she provides curriculum consultation and presentations for nursing faculty on topics such as concept-based curriculum, assessment of learning methods, and active learning strategies through her consulting company, DI Associates, Inc. Additionally, she is the primary author of numerous articles and books, including Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care, 11th ed. (2024) and her new student workbooks, Developing Clinical Judgment for Professional Nursing Practice and NGN Readiness, 2nd ed. (2024) and Developing Clinical Judgment for Practical/Vocational Nursing and the Next-Generation NCLEX-PN(R) Examination (2021). In 2007 she was inducted as a fellow into the prestigious Academy of Nursing Education (ANEF) for her national contribution to the field of nursing education. In 2016 she obtained her Certified Nurse Educator(R) (CNE) credential; in 2020 she obtained her Academic Clinical Nurse Educator (CNEcl) credential.