"Winner of a 2015 Gelett Burgess Children's Book Award"
"One of Buffalo News' 10 Rare and Wonderful Books for Holiday Giving 2015"
"Selected for Cosmos Magazine's Holiday Science Reading list 2015"
"One of Denver Life Magazine's 8 Books for Everyone on Your Holiday List"
"Engaging the text side by side with the artwork yields a myriad of interesting tonal effects in both the words and the pictures. It's an entirely different approach to the notion of illustration. . . . This book succeeds in scratching the itch many admirers of Carroll and Dalí have felt for too long."---Megan Volpert, PopMatters
"[The drawings were] originally printed alongside the rise of 1960s psychedelia, we can return to examine the curious collaboration between one of the most prolific 20th-century dreamers and one of the 19th-century's most influential fantasies."---Allison Meier, Hyperallergic
"The hardcover book as a physical object has much to recommend it. Beautifully designed with high-quality paper, it is nonetheless inexpensive enough that parents shouldn't panic at the prospect of thumbprints and spills if they read or give it to their children. A great gift for children, children-at-heart, and lovers of timeless culture, it will earn a proud place by the bedside, on the bookshelf, or on the coffee table right beside the tiny golden key to the garden of your imagination."---Jon Sobel, Blogcritics.org
"Dali's illustrations have a colourful force of their own. Carroll's Alice anticipated the Surrealist wonderland: dreams and paradoxes, puns and psychoanalysis, distortions of space and time."---Dominic Green, Standpoint
"[This] is the copy of Alice's Adventures you keep after having given all the other celebratory variants away . . . it comes with two very astute and well-illustrated introductions. . . . It is, as the introductions state, as both creators would like to see it--two weird and/or wonderful minds with much in common, harmonizing across the centuries to result in this very handsome modern edition."---John Lloyd, The Bookbag
"The introduction by Burstein . . . and Thomas Banchoff provides a valuable grounding in [Dalí's] interests and obsessions at the time the gouaches were created."-- "Library Journal"
"An elegant edition."-- "Art Quarterly"
"[A] stunning 150th-anniversary edition of the classic novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. . . . Dalí's illustrations afford us a glimpse of Wonderland as he sees it, allowing us to better grasp the implications, tropes and symbols the work is pregnant with."---Wan Lixin, Shanghai Daily
"[S]tunning."---Bill Condie, Cosmos
"Older students, especially those studying art and graphics, might well find much to research in this extraordinary collaboration."---Jane Doonan, School Librarian
"For more than half a century, this unusual yet organic cross-pollination of genius remained an almost mythic artifact, reserved for collectors and scholars. To mark the 150th anniversary of the beloved book, Princeton University Press brought back to life the Dalí-illustrated Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. . . . A crowning achievement among the greatest illustrations of the Carroll masterpiece from the century and a half since its inception, featuring new introductions by Mark Burstein, president of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, and mathematician Thomas Banchoff, who knew and collaborated with Dalí."---Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
"The book itself is a beautiful physical object, and it makes available for the first time to the general public Salvador Dalí's illustrations for the 1969 Random House edition [Maecenas Press, New York]. We hold it in our hands, enjoying its weight and beautiful cover (Salvador Dalí's The lobster's quadrille). We open it at random, and our eyes feel immediately welcomed by the comfortable text size and off-white high-quality paper. We glance through its pages, noticing their pleasant texture, and our curiosity is raised by the attractive colors and shapes of the illustrations. We know, even before we start, that reading Carroll's story in this edition will be a wonderful experience. We sit comfortably, open the book and . . . off we go!"---Capi Corrales-Rodrigáñez, MathSciNet