Amazing Gorillas! is the third paperback title in this exciting series of non-fiction I Can Read Books that features kids' favorite animals and spectacular photographs from the Wildlife Conservation Society, one of the world's oldest and most respected wildlife conservation organizations. The series explores the amazing animals that share our world and how we can help them survive.
The exceptional writing and design of the I Can Read Books--paired with WCS's global research and conservation efforts, educational programs, and stunning photographs--make this a standout series for children, caretakers, and teachers! This is a Level Two I Can Read, geared for kids who read on their own but still need a little help. Whether shared at home or in a classroom, the engaging stories, longer sentences, and language play of Level Two books are proven to help kids take their next steps toward reading success.
Sarah L. Thomson is the author of Stars and Stripes: The Story of the American Flag, a Nebraska Golden Sower Award finalist; all the Wildlife Conservation Society I Can Read Books, including Amazing Tigers!, winner of an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award; and What Lincoln Said, written with "admirable simplicity" (ALA Booklist). Sarah lives in Portland, Maine.
"Dramatic, high-quality photographs and a concise and thoughtful text . . . on a topic that fascinates many children." -- Kirkus Reviews
"Very effective in illustrating points made in the text, the color photographs offer close-up shots of gorillas." -- ALA Booklist
TIGERS: "This clearly written resource introduces tigers in the wild." -- ALA Booklist