The late Mike Wieringo established himself as one of the leading artists in the comic-book industry with his work with writer Mark Waid on DC's Flash during a run that included the debut of Impulse. Wieringo's continued collaboration with Waid brought him to Fantastic Four in 2002; the pair kicked off their tenure with a history-making nine-cent first issue. Wieringo's ability to translate dynamic action to the comic-book page made him uniquely suited to launch Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man in 2005 with writer Peter David.
Joe Quesada became Marvel's editor in chief in 2000, instilling an excitement and buzz that had been lacking for years. He is now Marvel's chief creative officer. Quesada began as an artist at Valiant and DC during the early 1990s and soon co-founded Event Comics, introducing original characters Ash and Painkiller Jane. By 1998, Quesada's reputation as both artist and publisher led to the founding of Marvel's groundbreaking Marvel Knights imprint, with Quesada illustrating the flagship book, Daredevil. Marvel Knights' critical and sales success led to Quesada's appointment as editor in chief. In addition to overseeing Marvel's creative output, Quesada remains an active writer and artist on projects including the Daredevil: Father miniseries and the Spider-Man "One More Day" crossover.
Pat Lee is best known for bringing the look and feel of Japanese anime to American comics. He provided artwork for the Marvel Knights Spider-Man chapters of "The Other" crossover.