"A far more interesting and richer account than we have had thus far. . . . Larson has written a fascinating book, one sure to force a rethinking of the Scott-Amundsen race as well as reconsiderations that will include science as a driving force in Antarctic and indeed polar exploration." --Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis, "Science" Magazine--Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis "Science Magazine "
""An Empire of Ice" reflects exhaustive digging and reaches well beyond the standard source materials. . . . Larson provides enough fresh perspective that even devotees of polar literature will learn things."--Jennifer Kingson, "New York Times Book Review"--Jennifer Kingson "New York Times Book Review "
"The author provides an undeniably exciting account without overpowering the reader with too much detail. Fans of these explorers, science heads, and armchair travelers will find this a worthwhile and thrilling read."--Mike Rogers, "Library Journal"--Mike Rogers "Library Journal "
"Larson's beautifully written narrative takes in the triumph and tragedy of the polar expeditions, and sheds new light on the scientific culture of the age. Entertaining, informative, and based on impeccable research, this book is a wonderful achievement."--Peter Harrison, author of "The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science"--Peter Harrison (09/17/2010)
"A fascinating account of the extensive and varied scientific research conducted by daring explorers racing to be the first to reach the South Pole. Whether he is discussing the first observations of the life cycle of the Emperor Penguin, the mapping of the ocean floor, or experiments in terrestrial magnetism, Larson's book sparkles."--Bernard Lightman, author of "Popularizers of Victorian Science"
--Bernard Lightman (08/16/2010)
"A riveting account of science, courage, and endurance, revealing that along with dreams of glory the quest for knowledge of Antarctica drove the explorations of the icy, forbidding continent." --Daniel Kevles, Stanley Woodward Professor of History, Yale University
--Daniel Kevles (09/17/2010)
"Larson is a brilliant researcher, going far beyond the standard source materials, so even devotees of polar literature will learn things"--Jennifer Kingson, "The Scotsman"--Jennifer Kingson"The Scotsman" (07/09/2011)
"In this fascinating book.....Larson's intriguing accounts begin to reveal the bigger picture of early scientific research in Antarctica and its place in European geopolitics of the time."--Michael Bravo, "New Scientist"--Michael Bravo"New Scientist" (07/02/2011)
"Science is sometimes dull, but never in "An Empire of Ice". Here the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Edward J. Larson tells the gripping story of the scientific exploration of Antarctica, where intrepid naturalists, often risking their lives, struggled to learn about emperor penguins, massive glaciers, and frozen fossils." --Ronald L. Numbers, Hilldale Professor of the History of Science and Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison--Ronald L. Numbers (08/16/2010)
"Edward Larson reveals that British exploration of the Antarctic was no mere 'dash to the pole', but an extended effort to conquer the last great wilderness for science."--Peter Bowler, author of "The Earth Encompassed" and "Evolution: The History of an Idea"
--Peter Bowler (08/20/2010)
"Extremely well written and documented, "An Empire of Ice" is a gripping account that reads almost like a thriller."--J.D./i>--J.D. Ives "Choice "
Awarded an Honorable Mention in the 2011 National Outdoor Book Awards--National Outdoor Book Award Honorable Mention "National Outdoor Book Foundation "
."..... [An] enlightening and entertaining new book, "An Empire of Ice", seeks to rescue the exploits of Edwardian derring-do from the condescension of posterity by showing us how much more there was to what his subtitle refers to as the heroic age of Antarctic science."--Robert J./i>--Robert J. Mayhew"Times Higher Education" (06/23/2011)
Shortlisted for the 2012 Hessell-Tiltman prize. The prize of 3,000 is awarded annually for a non-fiction book of specifically historical content.
--Hessell-Tiltman Prize Shortlist"PEN International" (03/21/2012)