In An Iliad, Alessandro Baricco re-creates the siege of Troy through the voices of twenty-one Homeric characters, in the narrative idiom of our modern imagination. From the return of Chryseis to the burial of Hector, we see through human eyes and feel with human hearts the unforgettable events first recounted almost three thousand years ago. Imbuing the stuff of legend with a startling new relevancy and humanity, Baricco gives us The Iliad as we have never known it. His transformative achievement is certain to delight and fascinate all readers of Homer's indispensable classic.
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@a_katial Perhaps The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood or Ransom by David Malouf. Both are inspired by Ancient Greek tales and feature formerly minor characters. You may also like An Iliad by Alessandro Baricco, a reimagined version of the original story.