"Sharma depicts a country that could have sprung from a mind poised somewhere between Dostoevsky's and Gogol's . . . The book is actually quite funny to begin with . . . As the book goes on, though, you pick up on the particularly unpleasant way Karam manages to extort money; also on the fact that corruption is an unstoppable process, no more preventable than the weather. . . . I doubt I have seen a more audacious yet plausible portrayal of a vividly unsympathetic character . . . Quite astonishingly, Sharma manages to make us squeeze out some sympathy for his anti-hero . . . Sharma's genius in this novel is how he makes the personal and political reflect on each other."--Nicholas Lezard "The Guardian"
"The first chapter of An Obedient Father blasts off the locks and splinters the wood . . . This is an uncompromising novel, a portrait of a country ravaged by vendetta and graft, its public spaces loud with the complaints of religious bigots and its private spaces cradling unspeakable pain."--Hilary Mantel "New York Review of Books"
"A great novel."--Jonathan Franzen "New York Magazine"
"Rich and enthralling . . . Mr. Sharma's novel weaves the national into the personal without a trace of the didactic. What is more astonishing is his success in joining the amiably picaresque aspects of the corruption--India's and Ram's--with the ghastly evil of its underside . . . Stunning dramatically, psychologically, and in terms of the constraints on Indian women."--Richard Eder "New York Times"
"An Obedient Father poses a serious challenge to a reviewer who is tempted to take refuge in the easiest, moralizing dismissal of this unusual novel . . . the maddening narrative voice is as darkly hypnotic as those found in the pages of Dostoevsky . . . An Obedient Father is perhaps the novel that, some might say, Arundhati Roy had wanted to write when she wrote The God of Small Things. It is certainly the novel that Raj Kamal Jha came close to writing when in The Blue Bedspread he plumbed the dark ambiguities of abuse and incest. Sharma's novel is part of a brilliant coming of age in Indian fiction."--Amitava Kumar "The Nation"
"Something white-rhino rare in the history of literature: [Sharma has] revised and radically rewritten a novel, his first, An Obedient Father, one he published 22 years earlier . . . Sharma approached each page of the new version with extraordinary vigor and care, and there is scarcely a paragraph that hasn't been improved . . . The sentences, already pure and unfussy, have been purged of any show. What is left is a closer feeling of closeness to his characters -- to ugly, sorrowing, tender, stalwart, ruined, unredeemable people, failing at their lives and yet trying, still, to live them."--Wyatt Mason "New York Times Magazine"
"A supernova in the galaxy of young, talented Indian writers, Sharma debuts with a bold and shocking novel that casts a mesmerizing spell . . . Sharma's depiction of a society riddled with graft, violent religious prejudice, male chauvinism and bigoted cultural attitudes is a cautionary tale about what happens to the individual spirit when poverty, superstition, racial tension and general hopelessness are exacerbated by the absence of judicial morality. This caustic yet darkly comic story resonates powerfully, as the reader comes to sympathize with fallible human beings trapped in circumstances that corrupt the soul."-- "Publishers Weekly, Starred Review"