TEMPLE GRANDIN is one of the world's most accomplished and well-known adults with autism. She is a professor at Colorado State University and the New York Times bestselling author of several books, including The Autistic Brain, which have sold more than a million copies. Named one of Time's most influential people in 2010, the HBO movie based on her life, starring Claire Danes, received seven Emmy Awards.
CATHERINE JOHNSON, Ph.D., is a writer specializing in neuropsychiatry and the brain. She cowrote Animals in Translation and served as a trustee of the National Alliance for Autism Research for seven years. She lives with her husband and three sons--two of whom have autism--in New York.
Praise for Animals Make Us Human
"Provocative...We're lucky to have Temple Grandin." --New York Times
"Part owner's manual and part business proposal, Animals Make Us Human argues that we can treat animals better if we consider the emotions that motivate them...For pet owners, her perspecitve is invaluable...Grade: A-" -- Entertainment Weekly
A well-written, down-to-earth look into the lives of lots of animals, including animals that make up part of our food chain. Grade: A" - Rocky Mountain News
"Packed with fascinating insights, unexpected observations and a wealth of how-to tips, Grandin's peppy work ably challenges assumptions about what makes animals happy." - STARRED Publishers Weekly
"The text provides thought-provoking scenarios and references several animal studies...readers will be able to glean new perspectives about animal welfare." -Library Journal
Praise for Animals in Translation
"Inspiring . . . Crammed with facts and anecdotes about Temple Grandin's favorite subject: the senses, brains, emotions, and amazing talents of animals."--New York Times Book Review
"A master intermediary between humans and our fellow beasts . . . At once hilarious, fascinating, and just plain weird, Animals is one of those rare books that elicits a 'wow' on almost every page. A."--Entertainment Weekly
"At times, it is difficult to work out whether this is a book about animal behavior with insight from autism, or a book about autism that uses animal behavior to explain what it is like to be autistic. A major achievement of the book is that it is both."--Nature