In 1986, Tommy Gaye is in love with his best friend, budding teen poet Renaldo Calabasas. But at the height of the AIDS crisis and amidst the homophobia running rampant across America, Tommy can never share his feelings. Then, one terrible night, Renaldo is struck by lightning. And he emerges from the storm a very different boy.
In 2044, Herron High student Pris Devrees jolts awake after having a strange nightmare about a boy named Tommy and a house in the neighborhood the locals affectionally call "The Murder House." When she ventures to the house to better understand her vivid dreams, she happens upon an old self-help book that she soon realizes is a guide to trans-dimensional travel.
As bodies and minds merge across the astral plane, Pris, Tommy, and their friends race to save Renaldo from a dangerous demon, while uncovering potent realities about love, sexuality, and friendship.
"The narrative's myriad alternating perspectives and well-plotted timeline smartly propel intense action, and references to the AIDS crisis and an unnamed 2044 virus grounds this imaginative telling in contemporary reality." --Publishers Weekly
"Albo explores the universal emotions of adolescence that not only span time and dimension but are ultimately connected in this lucid and thought-provoking novel with appealing and sympathetic characters." --Booklist
"It all comes together in a remarkably smooth way, the layers of story building to an appropriately tragic and beautifully sculpted conclusion . . . while science fiction buffs may be the most likely audience, romance readers will also find a stunning love story within the shifting timelines." --Bulletin for the Center of Children's Books