Did you know that the Siberian unicorn roamed the Earth during the last Ice Age? Or that technically any creature with one horn is considered a unicorn? That means narwhals, certain antelope, and even shrimp with a horn can be called unicorns!
Embracing childrens' delight in the mythical creatures while also imparting fascinating facts about the real ones, discover the history of this special animal and decide for yourself if you believe in unicorns!
With simple language and vivid photographs, Are Unicorns Real? is perfect for emerging readers curious about the natural world and the iconic creature.
Ginjer is an experienced and entertaining presenter and has appeared at more than 150 elementary schools, regional reading and writing conferences, statewide book festivals, bookstores and libraries, and even a zoo. She is a graduate of James Madison University and lives in Richmond, Virginia, with her husband, young son, and several silly-looking pets.