"...a bold and stimulating account of the role of ethical argument in the abolition of slavery, the extension of European colonialism, the formation of international trusteeships, and decolonization." Political Science Quarterly
"...Crawford's achievement here is substantial. . . a major contribution to the growing study of applied ethics in world affairs." The International History Review
"Worth reading.... Highly recommended." Choice
"In Argument and Change in World Politics, Crawford performs a signal service to scholarship on ethics and international affairs. Echoing the constructivist school, and the English school, and the broadly liberal tradition, she argues that ethics matters. Her theory of how it matters and her use of this theory to explain what is arguably the most important shift in the international system of the last several centuries--the deligitimization of colonialism and the accession to statehood of colonies all across Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia--amount to one of the richest and most developed arguments for the importance of ideas in the last decade. . . [Her book] will also strengthen all who have sought to make their arguments heard even when opposed by a formidable lack of consensus." Ethics and International Affairs