This is the story of Bob Osgood from his early years in New York City to his passing in Beverly Hills, CA. We get a picture of the Los Angeles area from a child's perspective during the Depression. More importantly we see Bob discover square dancing in a small country general store in Northern Arizona and the effect that experience had on him. Later Bob was reintroduced to square dancing at a leadership conference held at the beautiful conference ground at Asilomor, near Monterey, California. These two experiences changed Bob permanently, and then he went on the change square dancing. He studied under Dr. Lloyd 'Pappy" Shaw who inspired Bob to teach some of the first classes in the Los Angeles area. In the post WWII era, Bob started a square dance magazine, Sets in Order, which was the most widely read square dance magazine in the world. And Bob took square dancing worldwide with a series of tours to all parts of the world. Bob saw first hand the effect square dancing had on the military returning from the war and how square dancing had a profound effect on America. When the square dance activity became widespread, Bob saw the need to have callers use the same terminology when calling. Bob was the drive behind the formation of CALLERLAB, The International Association of Square Dance Callers. This book gives all readers a chance to meet a charismatic man who was dedicated to helping people have fun.