Whether you live in a city, suburb, or the country, this essential guide for the backyard homesteader will help you achieve a homespun life--from starting your own garden and pickling the food you grow to pressing wildflowers, baking sourdough loaves, quilting, raising chickens, and creating your own natural cleaning supplies. In these richly illustrated pages, sustainability-guru Kris Bordessa offers DIY lovers an indispensable home reference for sustainability in the 21st century, with tried-and-true advice, 50 enticing recipes, and step-by-step directions for creating easy, cost-efficient projects that will bring out your inner pioneer. Filled with 340 color photographs, this relatable, comprehensive book contains time honored-wisdom and modern know-how for getting back to basics in a beautiful, accessible package.
"When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I relied on the local public library to feed my insatiable desire for information on self-reliant living...Actually, this book tops anything I remember finding back in the day. It's bigger, packed with more information, and is full of amazing color photographs (350 of them)." -Learningandyearning
"Wow! This book is amazing! It has it all. I literally was in another world for hours just taking in all the DIY greatness Kris has to offer." -Instagram: Bookswithbethany
"I want this book! I need to get my hands on a copy. I feel the same need building in myself. A need to prepare for whatever may happen." -Instagram: @sweetbookobsession
"This is an appealing book, the kind you might think of as a useful coffee table reference book. It is encouraging, well-written, and beautifully designed. It would make an excellent gift, especially for those who are feeling helplessly stuck at home because of the current pandemic." -5 Acres & A Dream
"Talk about a timely book. With the world deep in the midst of a pandemic, learning about self-sustainability makes perfect sense. Not only is now a great time to learn about the numerous and various ways in which one can garden, pickle foods, create natural cleaning supplies, and craft; but it's also becoming more and more obvious how imperative it is to become even more self-reliant. Grocery stores are filled with bare shelves and people are stockpiling toilet paper. It is most definitely a trying and terrifying time in the world...With the help of Bordessa's book, Attainable Sustainable, I feel like I can dive into projects that will help keep me feeling productive, engaged, and self-reliant." -A Bookish Way of Life