"This is hard SF the way it's mean to be written: technical, scientific, with big ideas and a fully realized society. Robinson is an acknowledged sf master-his Mars trilogy and his stand-alone novel 2312 (2012) were multiple award winners and nominees-and this latest novel is sure to be a big hit with devoted fans of old-school science fiction."
"Intellectually engaged and intensely humane in a way SF rarely is, exuberantly speculative in a way only the best SF can be, this is the work of a writer at or approaching the top of his game."
--Iain M. Banks on 2312
"Science fiction is threaded everywhere through culture nowadays, and it would take an act of critical myopia to miss the fact that Robinson is one of the world's finest working novelists, in any genre."
--Guardian on New York 2140
"This ambitious hard SF epic shows Robinson at the top of his game... [A] poignant story, which admirably stretches the limits of human imagination."
--Publishers Weekly
"Aurora presents one of the best-realized depictions of what life out beyond our solar system might look like."--Polygon on Aurora
"A rousing tribute to the human spirit."
--San Francisco Chronicle
"The thrilling creation of plausible future technology and the grandness of imagination...magnificent."
--Sunday Times
"[Robinson is] a rare contemporary writer to earn a reputation on par with earlier masters such as Isaac Asimov or Arthur C. Clarke."
--Chicago Tribune
"If Interstellar left you wanting more, then this novel might just fill that longing."
"Aurora may well be Robinson's best novel...breaks us out of our well-ingrained, supremely well-rehearsed habits of apocalypse - and lets us see the option of a different future than permanent, hopeless standoff."
--Los Angeles Review of Books
"Humanity's first trip to another star is incredibly ambitious, impeccably planned and executed on a grand scale in Aurora."
"[A] near-perfect marriage of the technical and the psychological."
--NPR Books
"[A] heart-warming, provocative tale."
--Scientific American