Uta Frith is a Professor of Cognitive Development at University College of London and Deputy Director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University College of London. She has pioneered investigations into the mind of the individual with autism and has a keen interest in the impact of the disorder on both sufferer and carers. Her book, Autism: Explaining the Enigma has been translated into many languages.
"The authors guide us through the case with an expert hand, in a book written for a wide range of non-specialist readers. What's more, the book constitutes a unique introduction to autism, presenting both its scientific and clinical aspects, as well as the person and their social circumstances. A stimulating read." Infancia y Aprendizaje, vol 24(2), 2001.
"Rab Houston and Uta Frith provide a splendid case study of probably autism from eighteenth-century Scotland. Houston and Frith are to be congratulated in their synthesis of the evidence for Hugh Blair of Borgue being a case of autism in history. They have done so in a manner and style that is as cautious as it is thorough." Stephen Jones, Norfolk Mental Health Care Trust, Social History of Medicine, vol 14 (2), 2001.
"This is a fascinating book." RH Campbell, Transactions, Vol 75, 2001
"In presenting Hugh Blair, a member of the landowning class in eighteenth-century Scotland, Autism in History demonstrates a refreshing lack of squeamishness ... Although Houston and Frith conclude confidently that they are looking at a case of the same condition we now call autism, they remain sensitive to the ways that historical conditions could influence the perception or presentation of the disorder. In addition, Houston and Frith amass convincing data to show that Blair was, in fact, autistic. It might be possible to quibble with their retrospective diagnosis, but they make a highly plausible case." Jonathan Sadowsky, Castele Associate Professor of Medical History, Case Western Reserve University, Journal of the History of the Behavioural Sciences, Fall 2003