Wally and Willy are on the lam again. But as Willimina and Wallanda, they're free and clear . . . or are they? These cleverly disguised wolves think they can fool an entire flock with their womanly wool-wear, but three savvy sheep expose their plan. It looks like another close shave for these baa-aad boys!
Margie Palatini is the author of many outrageously funny books for children, including Piggie Pie!, illustrated by Howard Fine; Moosetache, Mooseltoe, and the Bad Boys series, all illustrated by Henry Cole; The Cheese, illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher; No Biting, Louise, illustrated by Matthew Reinhart; and Gorgonzola, illustrated by Tim Bowers. She lives with her family in New Jersey.
Henry Cole was a celebrated science teacher for many years before turning his talents to children's books. He has worked on nearly one hundred and fifty books for children, including Unspoken, Big Bug, A Nest for Celeste, Jack's Garden, and On Meadowview Street. Henry loves being outside, where he can sketch and write. His favorite sound is the first robin song of the spring. You can visit him online at www.henrycole.net.
"The wordplay flies fast and thick throughout this text and it's dead-on for a young audience. -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books