Quick, call out! Tell all you can reach: the night is just perfect for bats at the beach!
So pack your buckets, banjos, and blankets--don't forget the moon-tan lotion--and wing with this bunch of fuzzy bats to where foamy sea and soft sand meet.
Brian Lies's enchanting art and cheery beachside verse will inspire bedtime imaginations again and again. Come visit a bedazzling world of moonlight, firelight, and . . . bats!
Check out brianlies.com for more escapades with these zany bats.
Brian Lies is the New York Times bestselling creator of Bats at the Beach, Bats at the Library, Bats at the Ballgame, Bats in the Band, and the Caldecott Honor book The Rough Patch. He has written and/or illustrated dozens of other acclaimed books for children. He lives with his family in a small seaside town in Massachusetts, where he tends a big and thriving garden.
biotech scientist, podcaster & writer cofounder @lab_dao @UltraRareBio host of Lady Scientist Podcast @LadyScientistP1 molecular & cellular bio Ph.D.
Every night I rock my baby to sleep while listening to Glimpse of Us by Joji. Our new favorite books are Bats at the Beach & Llama Llama Red Pajama. Life is good. It goes fast, but it’s very good. I’m so grateful ❤️
"Where the book truly soars is in the dark yet luminescent art where bat wings glow in the light of the full moon and the sky is a steely blue. The faces on the bats are furry and friendly." -- School Library Journal