Achingly current and wise.--Bethanne Patrick "Washington Post"
Richard Powers is one of our country's greatest living writers. He composes some of the most beautiful sentences I've ever read. I'm in awe of his talent.--Oprah Winfrey
Extraordinary....Powers's insightful, often poetic prose draws us at once more deeply toward the infinitude of the imagination and more vigorously toward the urgencies of the real and familiar stakes rattling our persons and our planet.--Tracy K. Smith, New York Times Book Review (cover review)
A heartrending tale of loss....Powers continues to raise bold questions about the state of our world and the cumulative effects of our mistakes.--Heller McAlpin "NPR"
[A]stounding....a must-read novel....It's urgent and profound and takes readers on a unique journey that will leave them questioning what we're doing to the only planet we have.--Rob Merrill "Associated Press"
As in The Overstory, Powers seamlessly yet indelibly melds science and humanity, hope and despair.--Dale Singer "St. Louis Post-Dispatch"
Bewilderment is a big book about what matters most....a brilliant, engrossing, and ultimately heartbreaking book.--David Laskin "Seattle Times"
[P]oignant...Bewilderment is a cri de coeur....this is a hauntingly intimate story set within the privacy of one family trapped in the penumbra of mourning.--Ron Charles "Washington Post"
Immersive and astonishing....Powers captures the tragedy of a species that could, but perhaps won't, become a lasting part of a cosmic menagerie. But in this absorbing and effortlessly readable tale he seems to have also found uplifting poetry in our despair.--Caleb Scharf "Nautilus"
In Bewilderment, [Powers's] mastery strikes a new raises goosebumps and breaks our hearts.--John Domini "The Brooklyn Rail"
[Powers] wants to challenge our innate anthropocentrism, both in literature and how we live.--Alexandra Alter "New York Times"
One of America's most ambitious and imaginative novelists.... In a year of unprecedented worldwide drought, fire, and flooding, [Bewilderment] couldn't be timelier.... Whether concerning family or nature, this heart-rending tale warns us to take nothing for granted.--Alexander C. Kafka "Boston Globe"
The tenderness between father and son seem[s] so real and heartfelt that the novel becomes its own empathy machine. What's more powerful, though, is how the emotions Bewilderment evokes expand far beyond the bond of father and son to embrace the living world.--Ellen Atkins "Minneapolis Star Tribune"
Powers [has] an emotional core to everything he writes, and this sets him apart from nearly everyone.--David Yaffe "Air Mail"
Intimate....Powers is an essential member of the pantheon of writers who are using fiction to address climate change.--Carolyn Kellogg "Los Angeles Times"
Powers succeeds in engaging both head and heart. And through its central story of bereavement, this novel of parenting and the environment becomes a multifaceted exploration of mortality.-- "The Economist"
Nothing short of transportive.-- "Newsweek"
You could think of it as 'The Innerstory' It is about how and whether we see the world we inhabit.... It is enchanting, and it is devastating.--Ezra Klein "The Ezra Klein Show"
A moving depiction of filial love, as father and son confront a world of 'invisible suffering on unimaginable scales.-- "The New Yorker"
Remarkable....Bewilderment channels both the cosmic sublime and that of the vast American outdoors, resting confidently in a lineage with Thoreau and Whitman, Dillard and Kerouac.--Rob Doyle "The Guardian"
An unabashed tearjerker....The most moving and inspiring of all Powers's books.--Gish Jen "The New Republic"