The 12 Steps, and the mentors he has had within that fellowship, have saved Paul Moore's life time and time again. The main reason for this book is his discovery that a happy existence can be built from the wreckage and chaos of lifelong addiction and mental illness.
Paul wrote Beyond Fellowship so others won't go through the same process of trial and error he went through. These steps that took him years to master are made easier through the insights he gained by mastering them. The steps have changed his thinking, his actions, and his perspective. They have transformed him from suicidal, chronically depressed, and bipolar with years of addiction behavior to a level of confidence, fearlessness, and joy he never believed existed.
This book is not intended to replace the AA program. It is designed to help you get the most out of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Written in a conversational style, this guide is much more accessible than the original text written in the 1930s.
The 12 Steps program helps with so much more than staving off addiction. This process took Paul from the depths of addiction to writing a book, healing a family, starting a new career, designing a recovery program, becoming an ordained minister, hosting a recovery show, and living a happy life. His hope is that it will do the same for you.