Bite-Sized Chemistry Calculations is a series of books on chemistry calculations aimed at helping students overcome the challenges associated with tackling the various types of calculations encountered in different aspects of chemistry, focusing on a few topics at a time to facilitate comprehension.
Written by an experienced chemistry educator, each book in the series has been tailored to fully meet the needs of students at all levels, especially those taking college level general chemistry courses as well as those following various O-level curricula worldwide. This part of the series explores the different types of problems and calculations encountered in mass, the mole and stoichiometry, including the determination of formulae of ionic compounds, relative formula masses, mass and percent compositions of compounds, all aspects of mole calculations, empirical and molecular formulae, calculations based on chemical equations, limiting reagents, gas stoichiometry and percent yield.
The series is packed with many salient features that are meant to facilitate both teaching and learning. Some of these include helpful explanations, many examples, alternative ways to solve problems, plenty of practice questions, complete answers an appendices. With this book, you will be well prepared for your exams and boost your performance.
1. Writing the Formulae of Ionic Compounds
2. Formula Masses
3. Mass and Percent Compositions
4. The Mole and Mass
5. The Mole and Number of Particles
6. The Mole and Concentration
7. The Mole and Molar Volume
8. Empirical and Molecular Formulae
9. Chemical Equations
10. Calculations Based on Chemical Equations
11. Limiting Reagent
12. Gas (Volume-Volume Stoichiometry)
13. Percent Yield
Answers to Practice Problems