With faculty and alumni that included John Cage, Robert Creeley, Merce Cunningham, Buckminster Fuller, Charles Olson, Josef and Anni Albers, Paul Goodman, and Robert Rauschenberg, Black Mountain College ranked among the most important artistic and intellectual communities of the twentieth century. In his groundbreaking history, Martin Duberman uses interviews, anecdotes, and research to depict the relationships that made Black Mountain College what it was. Black Mountain documents the college's twenty-three-year tenure, from its most brilliant moments of self-reinvention to its lowest moments of petty infighting. It records the financial difficulties that beleaguered the community throughout its existence and the determination it took to keep the college in operation. Duberman creates a nuanced portrait of this community so essential to the development of American arts and counterculture.
quote Alice Oswald—poems @SugarHouseRev @interimpoetics @ParenthesesArt @GreenMtnsReview @radarpoetry “Sylvia” from @bccpress
From Black Mountain: An Exploration in Community, Martin Duberman https://t.co/vMnanSAWG2
post-monolingual, -American, -Christian • writing about first & last words for @MITPress • 2022-2023 NEH Public Scholars fellow • he/him
I've always been fascinated with Black Mountain College, and over the summer came across Martin Duberman's 1973 history. Sounds like a place better to *have been at* than to *be* at. Still, it made me think: what & where are the BMCs of 2022?
Fascinating history with a resonance that far exceeds the experience of the Black Mountaineers themselves.--Newsweek
Reading the book, it is hard to imagine how it might have been done more intelligently.--Catharine R. Stimpson, The Nation
[Black Mountain] leaps beyond the discipline of history in its significance . . . Henceforth debates about the relation between historian and sources will have to take account of this radically new model for doing history.--Jesse Lemisch, New York Times Book Review